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New Computer Users Serious Issues

Email Scams

Here are some popular scams that can rob you of lots of money if you fall for them.  Check out or for the real scoop on anything that wants your money or efforts.

Email Viruses

There are some viruses that can infect you if you are using Outlook Express and/or Outlook and you'll get the virus if you just view the email.  But you can get into these programs and change the settings to help prevent this.  Unfortunately, it's not easy.  These kinds of viruses are more rare.

Most email viruses come from you opening the attachments in messages.

There are also many viruses out there that can fake a person's email address.  So if you get a virus from someone, they may actually not have sent it.  One thing that means is that you shouldn't necessarily trust even those attachments sent to you by people you do trust.

When I get an attachment that I'm not expecting from someone, even someone I trust, I will often email them and ask them if they sent it and what it is.

Free virus protection: AVG from

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